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Mastering Workplace Safety: A Guide To Job Hazard Assessment

Workplace safety is paramount for any organization. Accidents and injuries not only harm employees but also disrupt operations and damage a company's reputation. A crucial step in safeguarding your workforce is conducting a thorough job hazard assessment. This blog will delve into the importance of job hazard assessment and provide...

Read More: Mastering Workplace Safety: A Guide To Job Hazard Assessment

How is it determined if an illness is work related

To determine if an illness is work-related for workers' compensation, two main factors are evaluated:

  1. Arising out of employment: The illness must be caused by something specific to the job duties or work environment. There needs to be a clear connection between the work and the development of the illness.
  2. In...

Read More: How is it determined if an illness is work related

What does works' compensation insurance fraud look like?

Workers' Compensation Fraud: Don't Be Fooled by the Façade

Workers' compensation insurance is a vital safety net for employees injured on the job. It provides much-needed financial support for medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, this system is vulnerable to abuse, with workers' compensation fraud costing billions of...

Read More: What does works' compensation insurance fraud look like?

New laws affecting California Business Insurance in 2024

Navigating the Shifting Landscape: New Laws in 2024 Affecting California Business Insurance

As the sun set on 2023 and the Golden State welcomes 2024, California businesses are adjusting to a fresh legal landscape. While not every new law directly impacts the insurance industry, a few key changes deserve your...

Read More: New laws affecting California Business Insurance in 2024

5 Stapes in completing your insurance policy audit

Business Insurance: 5 Stapes in checking your insurance coverages 

Owning a business is a thrilling rollercoaster ride. Highs of success intermingled with lows of unforeseen challenges. That's where business insurance comes in, your trusty safety net against unexpected bumps on the road. But just like a physical net, it...

Read More: 5 Stapes in completing your insurance policy audit

New Year, New Resolutions: 5 Business Insurance Pledges in 2024

The new year is upon us, and with it comes a fresh wave of resolutions, both personal and professional. For business owners, this is the perfect time to reflect on the past year, assess your insurance coverage, and make any necessary adjustments to protect your livelihood in the year ahead.


Read More: New Year, New Resolutions: 5 Business Insurance Pledges in 2024

Holiday Cheer and Risk Management: Do's and Don'ts on Employer Sponsored Company Parties

Holiday Cheer and Risk Management: Do's and Don'ts on Employer Sponsored Company Parties

As the holiday season approaches, many employers start planning company parties to celebrate the year's accomplishments and foster camaraderie among their staff. While these events can be a great way to boost morale and team spirit, it's important for...

Read More: Holiday Cheer and Risk Management: Do's and Don'ts on Employer Sponsored Company Parties

How AI is Helping Businesses Mitigate Risk

AI in Risk Prevention

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way businesses operate, and risk management is no exception. AI is being used to identify, assess, and mitigate risks more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

Here are some of the key ways that AI is being used...

Read More: How AI is Helping Businesses Mitigate Risk

Is There Such a Thing Called Over Insured?

Yes, there is such as thing called over insured. Just like a too much of a good thing, being over insured means that you have more insurance than you need or can afford. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Duplicate coverage: You may have two or more policies...

Read More: Is There Such a Thing Called Over Insured?

How the Cost of Workers' Compensation Insurance Is Determined

Your cost of workers' compensation insurance is determined by a number of factors, including payroll, industry, claims history, location, size of business, safety record, and type of work performed. By shopping around, improving your safety record, and working with an insurance broker, you can get the best possible price on...

Read More: How the Cost of Workers' Compensation Insurance Is Determined